Oman Mumayizat Privileges

Oman Mumayizat Privileges



Triphamper has partnered with Oman-based MUMAYIZAT Privileges. How will this benefit clients?  When you book an Oman package from anywhere in the world through Triphamper, you will receive a complimentary 30-day Mumayizat Privileges subscription upon your arrival in Oman. This subscription offers over 1000+ lifestyle experiences, providing discounts, rewards, and more. Mumayizat Privileges provides this service at no additional cost, so you will not be charged for it with your holiday package or by Mumayizat.  

Triphamper is not directly or indirectly responsible for any Mumayizat reward or discount-related topics. The supplier's terms and conditions and the rules of the relevant country always apply. For more details, please visit Triphamper is your Leisure Marketplace with zero markups on holiday package rates.